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what a body! what a face!

Focus your orbs on Wivien, gentlemen, as she shows up to stiffen our stalks with her gorgeous 34DD-25-37 body! This Hungarian hottie is naked from the git-go, and we almost immediately get to see the warm flowery lips of her pussy from below, as if she’s about to wrap her left leg around us and sit on all our faces! Her figure is so tight she’s got that sexy triangular gap of space right under her snatch when she presses her thighs together. She kneels on the bed and sticks her butt in the air so we can savor the sights as she plays with her cunny and showcases her asshole. Then she lays on her back and kicks one of her legs up, then spreads her lady lips wide. Wivien’s face is pretty damn sexy, and you may want to spend some quality time just staring at her well-lipsticked mouth while you stroke and dream of the blowjobs she could can almost feel her breath on your dick! She’s coming close! Closer! Closest!! SQUIRRRRRT!! And then you still have half the set left, with super ass poses and lotsa hot fingering!!

  • 00:15:38
  • Jun 19, 2008
  • 683


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