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make her your fantasy!

Czech hottie Kyla Fox fills her pie with a glass dildo, and we are there to watch! The vixenish brunette tugs aside her elegant lace panties to reveal a meaty mound that’s clearly aching for penetration, so Kyla lubes her toy with her mouth, rubs it over her nipples, and then slides it down to her flowery lips, slipping it into the eager feminine cavern which immediately juices up with excitement with each thrust of the sensual phallus. Taking out the toy for a little while, Miss Fox lifts up her butt so we can study her pussy and asshole at our leisure; then she puts the toy back in, a mere inch from her rosebud which looks ready for some tender loving care of its own. Just imagine getting on the bed with Kyla and lapping at her heinie hole while she satisfies her needs with her toy! Then, just at the moment of climax, she pulls out the toy and you clamp your mouth on her flowing juices. Hmm, this is only one of the daydreams this sexy doll inspires. Make Kyla Fox your fantasy today!

  • 00:15:40
  • Jul 02, 2008
  • 103


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