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wonders under the frock

Bambi from Hungary is dressed in an elegant gown today, and it’s perfect for showing off her striking curves. She caresses herself through the material and then peels it off gradually, showing us her gorgeous 34B titties which are definitely a highlight of this slice of glamour porn. Getting the dress off, she lets us study her butt, which is a tight wonder, and then she peels aside her thong to play with that pink pussy. She fingers her moist clam and our cameras go in so tight you’ll almost feel you can give her cunny a lick! Watch her digits go deep into her slit and it won’t be long before you’re ready to spray! Yep, there’s nothing like a hot babe in her hottest frock getting totally naked for your pleasure.

  • 00:15:02
  • Aug 04, 2008
  • 178


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