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her twat is hot!

Tea from the Czech Republic entertains us when she strips out of her little white outfit in a living room. Showing us her beautiful 34B titties with their brown nipples, she then takes down her miniskirt and teases us in her white lace thong before flashing us her meaty shaved pussy. She lays back on the couch, sticks her hand in her thong and masturbates before turning around and tempting us with her fantastic ass. As she fingers herself deeply, her expression turns from flirty to very serious. Her twat is hot and she’s well on her way to orgasm! Finally taking down her thong, she sniffs it before pulling her bare pussy apart and fingering herself some more. We get some great shots at the end as well, where she stands over us pulling apart the moist lips of her horny hole.

  • 00:17:04
  • Aug 22, 2008
  • 145


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