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ultimate pussy tease!

Cleopatra shows up in a classic set of total immersion in pussy tease. This exotic young lady has a fetching peach between her legs which she spreads wide and slicks with oil that makes it glisten! The cameras of Denys DeFrancesco and his crews come in for some amazing closeups that almost turn her crotch into a 3D whirlpool of girl juice! When you blow up the shots on your computer screen, you will feel engulfed in Cleopatra’s crotch, as well as her gleaming asshole a few millimeters below. She fingers herself and pulls her round cheeks apart so we can indulge all our fantasies of licking and sucking that mouthwatering hole. Some nice doggie style poses too!

  • 00:15:36
  • Aug 31, 2008
  • 132


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