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ready for our date

Playful Anne certainly lives up to her name today as this leggy brunette beauty from the Slovak Republic greets us in her dressing room, where it looks as if shes getting ready for a hot date judging by her low-cut red satin camisole and blue denim miniskirt. She brushes her hair, puts on her lipstick, but then when she tugs up her skirt to show us her scarlet panties, its clear that her date is with US--and with a lavender vibrator shes going to cram up her caboose, once she lubes herself with oil from what looks like a little silver gravy boat! Our DDF cameras come in tight to capture the glistening oil as it courses down her clam and rosebud, and then our lenses follow all the action as she fucks herself deep in that tasty tush!

  • 00:21:59
  • Nov 04, 2008
  • 186


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