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super horny and ready to fuck!

Hey there Guys I’m Kassey, Cherry Juls Hot and Sexy girlfriend. She brought me down to Prague with her to have alittle fun. She went out for lunch with some guy and left me here alone but she knows how much I like to tease and play with myself so it’s really no problem at. I got myself all dolled up and then I began to play, teasingly lifting my dress up ver my ass and rubbing it all over. I slipped my dress down from my shoulders and slowly pulled it down as I caressed my body all over touching and rubbing myself from my breast down to my hips. I put my foot up on the bed and and rubbed my leg up and down and then I unfasteden the straps from my nylons, first one and then the other. I slowly pulled down the straps from my top and played with tits and then I took my corset off and rubbed my legs and ass. I slowly began pulling my panties down to my thighs as I stuck out my ass and then I caressed my sexy and horny body, rubbing my tits and then my snatch before sucking my fingers and teasing my nipples. I sat on my pedestal and then got up on my knees and played with my pussy and tits and then I got into Doggy and rubbed my sexy ass all over. I rolled over onto my back and and spread my legs open nasty wide and rubbed my wetting pussy up and down as I played with my tits and nipples. I sat up and continued rubbing my pussy and then I got down on one knee in front of my bed and rubbed my body from top to bottom. I got into Doggy with my knees on the floor and my body laying across the bed and rubbed my leg up and down and rubbed my rubbed and squeezed my ass. I walked over and stood with my back againts the wall and caressed my body all over. I sure hope Cherry brings a boy back with her because I’m very honry and I’m so ready to fuck.

  • 00:11:25
  • Dec 09, 2008
  • 116


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