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yummy pussy peach!

If you like your ladies slender but with killer butts, you are going to enjoy ogling Leanna Sweet! This brunette hottie poses in a doorway in a black slip, lacy thong, and backless heels, as our DDF cameras come close to capture the amazing firmness of her backside. Taking down her slip and showing us her titties, Leanna then pulls aside her thong to get us going with her extremely beautiful, smooth pussy. There is something so tantalizingly smooth and plump about her mound, you just want to dive in and slide your tongue up the groove and into the wetness. Whew! Leanna squats on her haunches on the floor, shows us the moon-like shape of her cheeks, then gets on her knees and spreads those buns doggie style. Finally we get one last great look at her pussy peach as she squeezes her thighs together. Yummy indeed!

  • 00:15:00
  • Dec 16, 2008
  • 278


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