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pleasuring her cunny most!

Here’s a Czech babe with a yen for long dildo! Josette Most greets us with her 34A-26-37 figure in lacy sea green lingerie, and immediately starts sucking on a very realistic looking rubber cock, complete with authentic looking balls. Some babes are sticklers for realism when it comes to the proxy pricks they perch in their petunias, and apparently Josette is one of them. Taking down her bra to make herself more comfortable, she sucks and licks the toy and then angles it toward her mostly shaven clam. Bending over doggie style on the chair, Josette slides the meat into her vag and rides it with clear pleasure and purpose. What is that purpose, you ask? A climax--a big, open-mouthed, uncontrollable explosion on her rubber lover as she spreads her long legs wide. Then, taking off her panties at last, she parts her pussy lips for our close inspection before starting up again with her dildo, teasing her rosebud with its tip. Maybe she’ll cram it in there next time, but this outing she is most dedicated to her cunny!

  • 00:17:17
  • Jan 03, 2009
  • 158


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