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damp and wild

Zuzana Z. from the Czech Republic is one uncontrolled girl, as you’ll see when she clinches with Maya from the Russian Federation! As arrayed as they are in their pretty pantyhose and backless heels, still much more is going to happen than just foot worship! Because Zuzana can’t quite control herself when she experiences the powerful thrill of watching Maya kneel and suck her strap-on tool, and then adore Zuzana’s nylon-clad size 7.5 feet. Zuzana gets so worked by all this attention that she can’t help but pee herself right through her pantyhose crotch, with the nectar sliding through and wetting the floor! Having temporarily drained her bladder, Zuzana gets back to work with her strap-on, as Maya receives the toy into her veeg. But after riding it cowgirl and taking it into her asshole, Maya straps the toy on herself so that she can return the favor and bang Zuzana’s bungie. She also gives Zuzana loads of toe sucking. Needless to say, the hosiery comes down through all this...until finally Zuzana starts peeing again, even as her feet thrust toward us so we can participate in the damp and wild worship! But she doesn’t miss an opportunity to adore Maya’s size 6.5 soles either in this epic of pantyhose porn.

  • 00:28:18
  • Jan 18, 2009
  • 412


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