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fuck and a haircut

This week I hung out with three of the most fucking gorgeous girls in Porn. Olivia O Lovely, Jenaveve Jolie and Lacey Duvalle were here from L.A. to come and have a little fun with us. So I thought it would be fun to parade these bad ass babes around, flashing the crowd, and strutting their fat asses around the neighborhoods. Well, along the way we wandered into a very interesting Barber shop in the outskirts of Miami Beach. It was packed with a bunch of potential amateurs who were all gawking at these chicks. It didn t take long before these girls were naked sucking some guy off on a barber chair in front of everybody (can t take them anywhere!) So I went with it, and let them run wild. They fucked everyone in that barbershop, and I recorded everything. For you guys, our fans, that’s right, what kind of pal would I be if I didn t record three hot porn stars getting slammed. Enjoy !

  • 00:00:00
  • Jul 17, 2008
  • 391


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