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that special yearning

At 58, Leanna Sweets got those long lean looks that drive a lot of guys crazy, and today the Hungarian seductress pulls us into her orbit with some vibrator play.
Watch as she kicks back with her unit to cure the ache that glamour models sometimes feel when they are posing. Its a special yearning that arises when the lenses are trained on their revealed bodies, an exhibitionistic urge that hits them hard in the deep wet core of their beings. Our DDF crews capture the results of this urge in nude pics and video for you to enjoy.
Leannas slender 34B-23-36 form grabs our eyes as she gives in to the arousing power of her plaything, getting her size 6.5 toes tingling with each burst of stimulation!
Picture yourself standing over her as she finishes herself off, and squirting your load onto her crotch to mix with her own happy moisture!

  • 00:15:09
  • Feb 21, 2009
  • 153


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