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challenge your fantasies!

CJ, our model for Tuesday, is nothing if not exotic. With her hair shaved down to a crewcut, and her leggy body dressed in a black satin Chinese cheongsam dress, she looks at us with a penetrating stare as she reveals her shaven pussy over two stocking-clad thighs. In the atmospheric lighting, she turns around and reveals her butthole, pulling apart her cheeks so we can study it closely. Squatting on the floor, she opens her pink snatch wide, almost defying us to stick our noses, fingers, or cocks in there. Sitting on a chair, she opens her dress to reveal her breasts too, and her taut belly; then she licks her fingers and splays her pussy even more, posing for us in the doggie style mode. Propping her pins on chairs, she gives us wide crotch views even as her eyes gaze into our horny souls with an almost sinister quality. She could be a space alien...a master spy out of an espionage thriller...or a prophesy of what women will be like in the far-flung future! Are you up to the kinky challenge of CJ? Get out your cock and let your fantasies run wild!

  • 00:17:54
  • Mar 04, 2009
  • 218


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