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spectrum of allure!

One of the features of the photographs of DDF Productions is that there are often paintings in the backgrounds. A case in point is this scene with Czech model Jessica Rox, where a picture of a naked woman’s back and derriere hangs on the wall. Even as Jessica peels down her blue dress and matching thong panties, our eyes are occasionally drawn to the painting as well, and we note the timelessness of the positions that the artist’s model and the photographer’s subject share. True, in the painting the model does not suck on a silver bullet vibrator or cram it into her crotch like Jessica does--but who knows if the model didn’t do that AFTER the painting was finished, and she found herself aroused by the act of posing for a discriminating artistic eye? And even as she moves over the couch, licks her toy, stuffs it in her veeg and rubs it against her rosebud, Jessica’s positions, when she shows her back to the camera, seem to occasionally echo the pose of the painting’s model--linking the worlds of art and porn in one seamless unending spectrum of eroticism and allure!

  • 00:22:03
  • Mar 10, 2009
  • 114


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