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her pleasure break!

Doing renovation on a house is a labor-intensive job that requires maximum concentration so that the efforts are coordinated to their fullest efficiency. Therefore, when the libido starts to get in the way for construction worker Abbie Cat, she takes the situation in hand--or should we say, she takes her boobs and pussy in hand!--during her lunch hour by pulling down her booty shorts, lifting up her “wifebeater” t-shirt, and masturbating with a banana. Gotta get those distracting sex thoughts out of her mind so she can concentrate on the gig at hand! The Hungarian hottie lets us watch her “cum break” as she pleasures her 34B tits and pierced clam with the banana, which isn’t the greatest sex toy because of its softness, of course--so she switches to rubbing herself with the handle of a hammer and fucking herself with her fingers. Once she climaxes, while squatting naked except for her workboots and black socks, she’s ready to go back to hammering, sawing, and spackling!

  • 00:14:22
  • Mar 13, 2009
  • 162


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