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cute and juicy...but mean too?

Some babes perfectly embody an archetype, the typical image of a certain person. We dont know if shes REALLY like this--she might be the sweetest girl anywhere--but Madison Parker from Hungary brings to mind the super-hot mean girl in school who knows every guy is drooling for her, and loves to know theyre all going home to jerk off over her. Who hasnt known a girl like that, top of the heap in the popular crowd at school? Today you get a great example of this as Madison lays around on a bed in a nightie and lingerie that shed probably only wear for her football hero boyfriend, and only after he begged her for hours and washed her car and took her shopping! And even then, maybe shed just give him a tease show like this, to show her power over him--stripping out of the sheer black nightie down to her matching bra and panties, and then stuffing an obscene purple dildo in her smooth and extremely juicy snatch, as if to tell her trembling stud that even with all his hero status at sc

  • 00:23:46
  • Mar 27, 2009
  • 146


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