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pleasing handfuls

Christina Jolie is “one healthy looking girl,” as an old codger we once knew would have said. By that he meant a tall, well-endowed babe, who looked like she could really give you a fine time in the sack. Black-tressed Christina, from the Czech Republic, definitely fits his definition. As you’ll see in her nude pics, she’s a curvy 34D-29-38 and stands 5’9”, with a friendly expression on her green-eyed face that promises a load of fun. After teasing us for awhile in her revealing mesh outfit today, giving us some sweet cleavage poses, she peels down her duds so we can enjoy her lush nudity, her pleasing handfuls of hooters, her shaved pussy, and her plump adorable rump. Check out this nude European model’s glamour porn portfolio and enjoy!

  • 00:22:04
  • Apr 05, 2009
  • 188


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