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make her pussy sing!

It’s time for some Geisha Ball fun as Vanessa Jordin pulls aside her pretty camisole and pink lacy panties and gets down on the couch to cram her cunny with the timeless sex toy, which can trace its lineage as a vaginal accessory way back to the ancient Ben Wa balls. The Geisha Balls are a modern update and are even used sometimes for exercises to strengthen vaginal muscles as women teach themselves to move them in and out of the twats without using their hands! Vanessa treats us to the sight of her 32C-24-34 Czech body as she plays with herself, then takes out the balls and holds them by their string as she licks them. Then she stuffs them into her slit while giving us a big smile. But that smile changes into a serious expression of mounting horniness when her core moves closer to orgasm as the balls work their wonders on her insides. She penetrates herself with the balls both while laying on her back and kneeling on the couch in the doggie position. Wouldn’t you just love to take hold of that string with your teeth and tug the Geisha Balls out of Vanessa yourself, while hearing her moan in climax? We bet it would make her pussy almost sing!

  • 00:21:55
  • Apr 13, 2009
  • 352


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