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brandy and her banana!

Brandy Smile entertains us by cramming a banana into her pinkness. First we see her in an elegant black-and-red lace bustier while she uses her mouth to get the fruit wet for her snatch. Then she slides it into her hole even as she takes off her lingerie and also rubs the banana against her titties. The more she strips, the more she sucks that banana, until finally she takes off her thong and spreads her legs on the couch. Brandy alternately fucks herself with the yellow shaft and sticks her fingers in there, frequently breaking into one of the bright smiles that earned her that last name. Enormous closeups will show you every millimeter of her pinkness as she pulls apart her dark pussy lips. Brandy gifts us with some hot views of her butt, too, as she kneels in doggie style for yet more banana penetration.

  • 00:14:52
  • May 18, 2009
  • 184


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