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can t help acting naughty!

How cute is Nikita? Major cute, we’d say. You can see the proof as she looks at us with her innocent “I can’t help acting so naughty” expression as she plays with the notorious DDF Fucking Machine. First, though, she poses for us in a sweet little flower print top, matching bra and panties, and turquoise skirt. Seriously, this girl has the kind of face you fall in love with, no questions asked! She seems intrigued by the Fucking Machine and its tempting blue dildo, and she gets her body ready for its pleasures by pulling aside her clothes so we can see her delectable titties and flowery cunny. With the remote control in her hand, she impales her eager pie on the robo-rod, getting down on her knees doggie style with her bare ass and veegee ready for the thrusts of the Machine. Our DDF cameras come in tight to get the closeups we both want and NEED, huge images that fill our computer screens with the alluring moistness of Nikita’s fleshy core. You will almost feel the heat of her flower and the sweet aroma of her pink rosebud! Finally taking off her bra and getting completely naked except for her yellow sneakers, she lays back on the red couch as the dildo rubs against her clit and then penetrates her deeply in her girlie hole. After her explosion, she pulls apart her pussy so we can study it in detail, before giving us some final pretty smiles that are as sexy and arousing as the beaver shots! Yes, we’re in love with Nikita! Nobody could smile like that who wasn’t an angel.

  • 00:09:45
  • Jun 11, 2009
  • 172


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