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dangerous kitten

Today get ready for a real raunchy ride as Katty shows up to peel out of her clothes and get nude quickly so she can writhe and twist and pose and show off her 32A-23-33 bod. There’s something dangerously uninhibited about this young blue-eyed Russian hot babe that makes her look like she could be a lot of fun but maybe a real handful too. She’s got an edgy vibe as she poses naked against a stereo speaker or across the polished hardwood floor, perched on her bare toes or sticking her butt up. She’s very limber in her nude pics, and she looks like the type of young gal in 1950s paperback fiction who could take a guy to heaven and hell at the same time. Which destination to do you prefer, amigo? Katty’s ready to show you the way...

  • 00:13:33
  • Jun 24, 2009
  • 112


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