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asian babe in toyland!

Enjoy a taste of Asian beauty as the gorgeous Jade Sin, who actually hails from France, entertains us with her impressive red double-dong. Holding the flexible dildo delicately against her tawny face, she then gets comfy on a couch, spreads her thighs, and quickly crams her cunny with the voluptuous scarlet toy. Her rich brown-lipped pussy swallows it, and then she turns around and lets us see her asshole nearby, kind of as a signal of whats going to come next. Taking down the front of her reddish teddy, she lets our orbs feast on her firm tits, then she gets on her knees and fucks her pussy some more as our DDF cameras capture it all. Standing up, she allows us to glory in the firm shape of her bottom; then after letting us study her pussy pinkness some more, stuffs the dildo into her butt like a devils tail even as her soles curl in the foreground. A double penetration with the dong in her pussy and ass follows, and if you havent blown your load at the incredible sights by this po

  • 00:10:20
  • Jul 13, 2009
  • 217


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