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her legs are the candy canes!5366h

Let long, leggy Candy bare some thigh for you! We were honored to find such a gorgeous and tall Hungarian honey for a hot legs and feet episode. This dazzling blonde stands 5 10 , so I don t even have to go into the details as to how her legs are shining beacons of delight. Add to that 36-24-38 measurements and you can just know that 99.9 % of members checking her set out, have stiff woods!
Here the blue eyed Candy cane is dressed all in black, with Sheer thigh high stockings, fuck-me pumps, and pink trimmings lacing her black top. She peeks us her juicy, closely trimmed toy box right away and it s like a gourmet sandwich just waiting to be snacked on. Her heels come off and are showcased before she pops on the couch and teases us again with that hot sandwich between her legs.Then she plays an intricate game with her pantyhose between her toes before licking and sucking them clean.

  • 00:02:03
  • Jan 16, 2003
  • 19


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