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win with the twin

Bright green-eyed smiling Britney from the Russian Federation is a great start to our day. She’d pick up anybody’s spirits even if she didn’t take off a stitch of clothing, but we luck out here because she takes off ALL her clothing! This hot babe may remind you of a more famous Britney and definitely seems to prove the folk belief that everybody has a twin or double somewhere in the world! However, our Britney teases in an explicit way that other Britney has always refrained from. By the time our Russian beauty takes off her unmentionables, we see every millimeter of Britney’s 40A-26-37 beauty, and she takes extra effort in her nude pics and erotic video to part her pie so we can see the inner pink goodness too. So let Britney put a smile on your face and a stain in your shorts! In this case, we’d say the twin wins!

  • 00:17:25
  • Nov 17, 2009
  • 207


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