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adorable yet naughty

Nikita from Hungary sits in her office looking like shes not much in the mood to work, but instead to play with her hot babe pussy with a toy. She parts her nylon stocking legs and shows us her panty crotch, then opens her blouse and plays with her tits in her white bra.
Pulling aside the panty, she parts her pink snatch, while continuing to get undressed in the chair, until her 32A-25-36 body is half-uncovered for our pleasure. Bending over, this nude European model shows us her taut ass, then gets out a pocket rocket to cram herself as our cameras capture the action in probing closeups.
Finally this really cute girl with adorable dimples moves to the desk to finish getting herself off with nasty urgency, sticking her ass in the air so we can see her butthole as well as her moist pussy. Maybe now shell be able to concentrate on her work again!

  • 00:21:51
  • Dec 06, 2009
  • 172


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