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a moving experience

Moving to another apartment is one of the most stressful things a person can do, but Valentina Rossini knows how to make it a more relaxing experience! Meaning, she takes frequent breaks during her packing to masturbate with some of the toys she’s about to seal away in boxes. Today we see her with a big blue toy that inspires her to open her plaid shirt and drop her blue denim cut-offs so that she can rub the plastic pal against her mostly shaven pussy, right underneath her neat little lawn of pubes on top. Enjoy her nude pics as this hot babe slips off her flip-flops and lifts up her bare feet, spreading her thighs wide as she crams the phallus into her pie and then her asshole too. She really takes it deep into her butt! But will she ever get everything all together before the moving van arrives??

  • 00:30:35
  • Dec 22, 2009
  • 162


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