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sultry in her tub

That Hungarian temptress, Serilla Lamante, is back to drive us crazy by taking a sensuous bath! As she peels out of her pink and black lacy corset, this nude European model displays her 34B-26-34 assets from every angle we could desire, plumping out her saucy butt at us as she bends over the tub. Naked now, she pours a thick soapy lotion on her body which makes her tan skin glitter and gleam with foamy bubbles. She squeezes her breasts, lifting her hardened nipples to us; and she plays with her tight slot with its landing strip of pubes. Serilla teases us with her pink pussy in her nude pics and erotic video, and always giving us a sultry expression that promises so many delicious delights!

  • 00:26:55
  • Dec 28, 2009
  • 148


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