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sensuous recommendation

We don’t recall if they do this now, but back in the old days of advertising it was common to get important people to endorse things like give their seals of approval to the writing instruments that presumably had been their trusty companions in their successes. We think that whatever company made this giant pen should get the beautiful Hungarian glamour porn model Nelly Sullivan to represent their product! Because Nelly shows in all ways possible how she truly utilizes it today. First the leggy lovely uses it to jot in her daybook, but as she takes off her clothes and reveals her 38C-25-36 body, she uses the pen to cram her cleavage, tug down her lacy pink underpants, rub her clitoris and stuff her veeg, and then afterward licks the pen and writes "I LOVE DDF" in her book. Now if all that isn’t a solidly sensuous recommendation for a pen, we don’t know what is!!!

  • 00:25:53
  • Dec 29, 2009
  • 188


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