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brunette babe creaming on a couch!

Today i was feeling particularly kinda horny. I knew we were visiting a retro style hotel, with old furnishings, and that era in time always makes me want to flick my little bean. I always have these dreams of living back in those days, and what it would be like to have amazing sexual encounters with all of the gangsters, like Capone for instance. I lay back on the furnishings and bring my knees up to my breasts, exposing my juicy cooch and rubbing it back and forth with such an urgency. I need to cum so bad, squeezing and spanking my own ass, and jamming my fingers deep inside. Oh, ohhh fuck, it feels so hot! I m coming,I m coming, Uhhhhh, Fuck, that was so good! Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!

  • 00:15:31
  • Jul 23, 2010
  • 151


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