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cooling off the coochie!

Members need no introduction to Cindy Hope, aka Klaudia: this curvy brunette is now a veteran of eighteen appearances on our site. She’s also a great foot model, with sets available at our sister site, to which you can get access when you join sunbathes poolside in her cute bikini, which she quickly sheds so she can play with her coochie. You’ll enjoy the great shots of Cindy posing on her knees doggie style with her butt in the air, and you’ll marvel at her lusty aggressive expressions when she stuffs her shaved pussy with two French-manicured fingers. She plays with herself in various positions, finally working up such a lather that she has to cool off with a pitcher of ice water: pouring it right on her cooch! Closeups show that refreshing H20 splashing off her sizzling mound. That’s what we call refreshment!

  • 00:11:55
  • Aug 16, 2010
  • 197


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