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the solo action on mount sekova!

Merilyn Sekova climbs on a dining room table and tempts us by swinging her 32FFs in a skimpy tank top. She also wears a tiny plaid skirt and green, yellow, and white striped socks that make her look as cute as her tits make her look like a queen among females! Your eyeballs will be entranced by the hypnotic sway of her jugs both in the shirt, and out of it. The table squeaks underneath Merilyn as she uses her hands to squeeze, bounce, and jiggle those milkmakers. Then she takes off her panties and lays on her back, while the overhead camera lovingly surveys her exciting nudity. With whipped cream, she spells out “BEST TITS” on her bosom, and then rubs the mess all over her headlights. After this, I think they should put Merilyn Sekova’s picture on cans of whipped cream! Could only help sales!

  • 00:08:40
  • Aug 17, 2010
  • 201


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