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lola rides the mechanical dick!

Play a game with Lola, an auburn-haired Russian cutie. Just imagine that she’s your girlfriend or wife, and you get home from a hard day at the office and you see that she’s received through the mail the present you bought for her...the amazing Sybian female masturbation device! You settle down in your chair, take out your prick, and tell Lola to enjoy herself while you watch the show. This is what a relationship should be like: blessed with sexual adventures and surprises! Lola is more than glad to accommodate you for getting her such a thrilling gift. She makes love to the machine’s cock with her skilled mouth, even rubbing it on her titties. Finally she climbs on board and the toy prick vibrates against her clit. She rides it front and back, until she surrenders to a fantastic explosion. With our pictures and High Definition video, you’ll feel like you’re right there watching Lola take this juicy ride!

  • 00:21:43
  • Oct 03, 2010
  • 134


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