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strip or paint the house [part 1]

See Ann Marie La Sante get distracted from her house painting job and do a strip out of her little top and denim shorts. I think all housepainters should wear high heel slides like Ann Marie does--if they’re sexy girls, that is! Ann Marie lays down on the clear plastic drop cloth and flashes her panty crotch and then her bare pussy. Eventually all her clothes come off, even the shoes, and we get treated to some great closeups of her moist flowery box. Indeed, the photos reach their peak as they show Ann Marie’s cunny lips from many different angles, so you’ll see this fetching female on her back, on her knees, and on her side. There are even some vivid shots showing her bare soles--catnip for the foot fans out there!

  • 00:13:26
  • Oct 06, 2010
  • 160


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