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lady lips like exotic fruit!

We’ve got another leggy stunner in newbie Lily LaBeau! Lily shows off her pins in a short red mini-dress and then peels so she can get down to the delightful business of spreading her pussy, and I mean spreading!! She pulls apart her lips with her nicely manicured fingers, and the little pink wings stay wide and open in some of the shots as if she’s got a butterfly down there! She even spreads her lips from behind while she’s showing us her ass in huge closeups. Her labia hang down like exotic fruit, just waiting to be licked by a lucky tongue! But all her pussy antics wouldn’t add up to much if Lily didn’t also have a very pretty face and smile. In fact, Uncle Irv’s favorite shots are where she spreads herself apart and looks us in the eye at the same time.

  • 00:13:21
  • Nov 03, 2010
  • 189


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