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you ll cream for this team!

I have a major thing for Shione Cooper, the 23-year-old Czech hottie with 36DDs topping her 5’2” frame. I had just about recovered from her horny Halloween solo a couple of weeks ago, and now she’s back in a lesbian romp with the luscious Carol and her 34Fs!This is an inspired team-up. At 31, Carol is a little older than Shione, and I love the chemistry of the more seasoned temptress with the enthusiastic younger chick. Truth to tell, however, neither gal really takes the lead here, but just pool their lusts to make us spring boners in our boxers.Shione looks very fetching sucking on Carol’s boobs, and then Carol returns the favor and plays with Shione’s jugs. I guess Carol really gets the best part of the deal, because she gets to suck on Shione Fucking Cooper!!! From her face to her ta-tas to her shaved twinkie, Miss Cooper just drives me completely bat-shit with her combination of angelic girlishness and a goddess body. The ladies take turns squatting on each other’s faces, as well as toying with their sweater puppies. Shione stands on tiptoe so Carol can kiss her butt for awhile. Then Shione gets out a clear dildo which she holds in her mouth to fuck Carol’s pussy. It all ends with the girls French kissing!

  • 00:28:10
  • Nov 16, 2010
  • 570


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