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can anybody spare a cock!

Suzie Carina is horny by the pool! From the moment she peels off her bikini and starts slicking up with suntan oil, she looks like she really, REALLY wants to get fucked. Maybe that’s why some of the hottest shots are when she kneels on the ground and sticks her ass up, pulling apart her pussy so that a tongue or cock can stop by and relieve the stress that’s been building up in her wonderfully toned body. When nobody else gets into the picture, well, Suzie stuffs herself with her fingers and that seems to take the edge off, at least enough for Suzie to jump in the pool and cool off. But then she quickly gets back to the pussy play, so maybe she’s still waiting for cock after all! Not for long, though--not for a girl as great looking as Suzie Carina!

  • 00:15:56
  • Dec 10, 2010
  • 168


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