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kissable butt in the bathtub!

Now with black hair and a golden tan, the once auburn-tressed Satin Bloom looks as exotic as her name sounds. You might think she’s from some tropical island, but in fact she’s from the Czech Republic and simply has the kind of looks that stir up fantasies of insatiable chicks under palm trees on sandy beaches! She rinses her luscious long-legged body in the bath and plays with a big green dildo. Satin has an amazing butt and we get to see it up close both bare or with soapy bubbles. Either way it’s very kissable! After showing us her pussy in enormous closeups, she licks her toy and slides it inside her tightness. “Do you like watching me play with myself?” her eyes seem to say. “Well, then, why don’t you play with yourself too?” We’re glad to oblige, Miss Bloom!

  • 00:17:14
  • Jan 04, 2011
  • 202


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