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classy seductive secretary!

I think we’re going to be seeing a lot more of new face Alice Miller! She’s got a great smile, a slender but curvaceous body, and a friendly flirty manner. When we first meet her, she’s in an office setting, her bright eyes looking over a pair of sexy glasses like a secretary who’s trying to help us with a question. But this secretary wears skintight black pants and super-high peep-toe black pumps, and as soon as she takes off her glasses and begins undoing the bow on her shiny pink blouse, we’re not thinking about work anymore! She wears no bra under her shirt, and shows us big hard nipples! Alice looks a little bit like the acclaimed movie actress Natalie Portman, so you know what kind of classy sexiness we’re talking about here! She takes down her pants and poses in her high heels and shows us her pink pussy and her shapely ass...and, oh gosh, we cum! At least I did. Felt so good!!

  • 00:22:44
  • Jan 05, 2011
  • 304


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