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cutie ravishes vibrator!

Nikita is so cute, so innocent looking, and so uninhibited as you will learn when you check out her new pix and video. As I discovered when I did a little research, she is far from a fresh-faced newcomer even though she has the look of one. She s got quite a few sets that show her in various forms, so be sure to check her out!Flashing pink panties at us underneath her flirty minidress, she starts rubbing her meaty shaved pussy with her brightly manicured fingers. As soon as she takes off the dress she licks an elaborate pink two-headed vibrator and crams it into her pussy. Denys DeFrancesco and his crews capture some fantastic closeups of the toy plunging back and forth in her mouthwatering cunny. Nikita fucks herself with the toy in many positions--sitting back, standing up, leaning over, and it sticks out of her hole as she kneels in the doggie position, her asshole opening up as if waiting for a tongue, a finger, a cock, or its own penetrating toy! Here’s a big WOW for Nikita!

  • 00:24:21
  • Feb 01, 2011
  • 164


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