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masturbating on balloons! [part 2]

Kety Pearl picks up where she left off last week when she was rolling around on colorful balloons, naked except for her pretty blue argyle socks and backless heels. In part 2 of her adventure among the inflatables, she plays with a bright red vibrator, which has a tail of long red strings which she brushes over her pussy before inserting the toy. Kety fills her cunny and we get hot shots of the vibe jutting out of her exciting slit. If you move your face close to your computer screen, you can imagine licking her asshole as she cums on that buzzy toy! I sure wish Kety would squat on my face like she squats over some of those balloons!! I think you’ll feel the same way.

  • 00:12:04
  • Mar 06, 2011
  • 151


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