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inspires doggie style daydreams!

Lithe and sensuous Suzie Carina does a striptease and toy show for us today! Leaning over a couch and peeling out of a red minidress, she shows off her long legs and firm butt as she stretches out. Her bum looks amazing just in its animal print thong, its shape plumped up by her black patent high heels. Miss Carina slowly slides herself out of her bra and panties so we can survey her 32A-21-31 Czech hotness. She sticks her ass up in the air and spreads her pussy, inviting our doggie style daydreams. Then she takes out an unusually curved pink-and-white vibrator to run over her nipples, tongue, and twat. It actually kind of looks like it’s modeled after a swan. Into her hole it goes, sticking out with its graceful shape. Suzie does herself well with the toy, moving around on the couch, sticking it in her richly lipsticked mouth too. At the end she gives us more doggie style views, so imagine cramming her caboose while she fills her cunny with that toy!

  • 00:17:31
  • Apr 05, 2011
  • 145


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