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the carrot topped hell raiser!

Redhead Tarra White returns for her twelfth appearance on She strips out of her blood-red minidress down to her thigh-high stockings and red heels, showing off her two tongue-spikes and pierced left nipple as she teases us with her 34DDs and generally looks hot and bitchy with her intense blue eyes and delightfully evil smile. She fucks herself all over the room with a big purple dildo--standing on the carpet, kneeling on the floor. The toy is huge and flexible, and she certainly stuffs it deep inside--but ye ole newsletter scribe gets the impression that Tarra is waiting for a stud to enter the picture and give her the boffing that’s her due! It’s hard to believe a chick this smokin’ would have to toy with herself all on her lonesome! One good shot conjures the fantasy of ye ole Uncle Irv standing over Tarra while she lays back on the table so I can play with her tits while fucking her with that toy. All as prelude, of course, to serving up my ambitious cock first in her cleavage and then in her cunny! Wow. Do YOU have what it takes to satisfy this carrot-topped hell-raiser? She looks like she’d need a lot of taming, but it would be worth the challenge!

  • 00:21:10
  • Apr 07, 2011
  • 293


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