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a legend of lusciousness!

I always like to look at Sophie Moone, and here we get another opportunity as she makes her 48th appearance on our site since 2002! You know, this is an excellent opportunity to point out that with the new re-design of, all you have to do is look up Sophie in the Model Directory and you have instant access to all of her pictorials right in front of you on your computer screen, with large thumbnails that show you all her different looks through the years! You can watch her transform from the wide-eyed newcomer of 2002 to the self-assured sophisticated woman of the world she is today. Sophie’s got one of the most beautiful faces around, and in her new set you’ll see it well-displayed along with her exceptional body as she strips and plays with her ever-luscious pussy.

  • 00:16:41
  • Apr 29, 2011
  • 196


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