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kill bill inspired pussy play!

Acting out my Kill Bill fantasies one at a time is wonderful. This time I tackle the deadly "Elle" aka Caroline Cage. We had so much fun dressing up and acting in character, just makes sense to go porno with it! In the movie Black Mamba wakes up and has a heck of a time getting out of the hospital bed, but in my version, after a quick little sword fight, she dives right down there and starts slurping nectar out of my honey goblet! Licking my clit and fingering my tight trimmed twat from behind as I moan in extacy! I think you ll enjoy the views of her cut out crotch too, her little round brown peeping right into the DDF cameras almost seemingly saying " Go ahead, pop me right in your mouth! " . Mamba doesn t get away that easy though as I probe some shiny metal rods inside her snapper, but it looks like it feels good so I do myself with one too! Good ole Hollywood fun at its finest!

  • 00:29:37
  • May 26, 2011
  • 190


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