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would you come to my bed to fuck my titties?

newcomer Janne Holan and her gargantuan glands. Stripping out of a black halter and gray plaid pleated skirt, this fresh-faced blonde reveals her impressive bosom in a yellow lace boulder-holder. Pressing her cantaloupes together, she creates an impressive line of deep cleavage, then lowers the straps of her bra to slowwwwwly tease us with those colossi until finally she frees them from her bra completely for our unobstructed awe and ultimate orgasms.We get some good low angle views of her cannons, then Janne slides her beautifully manicured fingers between her bells and fondles them. She takes down her panties too and we get a glimpse of her shaved pussy, before she ends her demonstration by leaning over us and pulling on her torpedos. In the final shots, she presses her nipples together so we can imagine sucking them both at the same time!

  • 00:13:50
  • Jun 09, 2011
  • 191


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