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mouthwatering on monday!

Although she’s dressed for success and a busy day on some high-powered job, Black Angelica quickly gets distracted from her laptop by the needs of the smooth vagina that is only one of the many delectable features of her amazing 36B-23-34 Romanian body. Stunningly dressed in a snakeskin-patterned blouse and white miniskirt, she’s enough to inspire a load with her clothes ON; but when she takes them OFF to diddle herself with a tiny stealth vibrator you’re going to have a hard time resisting the urge to pull your stiffening penis! Then when she leans over her desk and shows us her ass, your eyeballs will pop out like mine did! She also has phenomenal legs that deserve their own spurt of awestruck tribute. Those tits look pretty damn fine too! Hey, I wonder if she’s hiring any office sex studs?

  • 00:13:10
  • Jul 31, 2011
  • 241


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