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sweet face, horny body!

Brandy Smile is very appropriately named, as her lovely smile is as alluring as everything else about this Hungarian blonde. She’s another girl who can inspire loads when she’s fully dressed! And damn if she doesn’t look like the spitting image of a girl I had a crush on for many years back when I was a young dude!! Today she finally peels out of her clothes and shows us her perky 34Bs and sweet smooth snatch, then stretches on the couch, tugs on her pussy lips, and then slides her saliva-moistened fingers into her clam. To my mind, she looks like she’s missing something on that comfy pink couch: ME AND MY DICK! Or at least me and my tongue. With that smile, this cutie makes you feel like she’d be glad if you jumped into the picture with her, to suck and fill her pussy pronto! Well, she’ll be back next week to show us what she DOES stuff her slit with!

  • 00:17:26
  • Aug 03, 2011
  • 148


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