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staff sergeant knows what is best for us.

Sergeant never guides us wrong. If he tells us tomorrow the sun will be green, you can bet the farm, the sun will be green in the morning. Staff Sergeant is not a man to fuck around. If you fight him, you will loose. If you challenge him, you will loose. Cadet Logan challenged Staff Sargent to a weightlifting contest. Big mistake. Staff Sergeant showed Logan his expertise and ease in handling long and hard, big weight. Logan s punishment with Staff Sergeant s meat was a real eye opening experience. It makes you think. Could you handle the Sergeant s big weight if you lose against him? What about the enemy getting in your face? Staff Sergeant made sure we were able to handle the enemy. If they want to shove a cock in our face, we know how to handle it. We’re tough, we can take it.

  • 00:50:15
  • Nov 08, 2016
  • 186


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