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stuffed to the brim

Check out Roxy Taggart! She’s got quite a show for us as she strips out of her t-shirt and miniskirt, pulls aside her panty crotch, and inserts two shiny black “ben-wa” balls on a string into her shaven pussy. Looking at us with a challenging expression like she’s the toughest chick on earth and out to prove it, she crams the balls into her snatch to warm herself up before showing us her large titties and tasty asshole. Standing up, she plays with the string that’s attached to the balls that are still in her clam, then she squats down and tugs them out. Taking off her panties and sniffing them, she then spreads her snatch wide and removes the balls so that she can stick them into her butt instead. We get great closeups of the balls going into her rosebud and disappearing, then Roxy pulls on the string awhile before finally coaxing the balls out of her ass as well. Then she stuffs her fingers into both her holes so they don’t feel deprived after all that penetrating activity!

  • 00:29:32
  • Sep 04, 2011
  • 340


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