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tough girl wants your cum!

Sandra Sanchez is definitely in “tough chick” mode as she poses for us outdoors at the jacuzzi. Although she starts out with a smile at the beginning, throughout the rest of her pictures she looks like one of those steely-eyed female detectives so popular on television almost challenging us to take out our dicks and jack as she peels off her colorful bathing suit. Maybe she’s pretending she’s a detective on vacation who can’t leave her no-nonsense job personality behind--that must be it. And if you like babes who look like they’ll squeeze your nuts if you don’t deliver enough sperm in tribute to their beauty--and lots of guys do like chicks like that--you will especially enjoy Sandra here as she glares at us while stripping naked taking out a glass dildo and cramming her pussy in a variety of positions, both laying down in the shade and standing up in the sun. She practically looks as if she’s commanding us to squirt at the end! Yes Inspector Sanchez! Look! Here is the cream all over our hands! Just like you ordered!!!

  • 00:17:11
  • Sep 06, 2011
  • 155


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